Services in shops
Online shop
Online shop is open 24/7 – thousands of products with free delivery to all of our shops for you to pick up easily.
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Your donation will do a huge amount of good, both environmentally and socially.All proceeds from Kierrätyskeskus’ sales are used to promote the company’s activities and objectives, i.e. local environmental work and employment. We do not distribute profits to our owners. We are religiously and politically neutral company.
We operate several secondhand stores in the Helsinki metropolitan area and an online shop throughout Finland. Your donation will go through our sorting centre, our workshops to be serviced if need be, and to the shelves of our shops or to the free items departments, found in our every shop. By shopping ecologically and donating your items to be reused – simple everyday environmental actions – together we promote reuse and reduce the consumption of natural resources in the metropolitan area by tens of millions of kilos every year.
Your donation will give us the resources to increase opportunities for work and participation. Fair employment, volunteering and working with local communities are at the heart of what we do. In our workshops, professionals create something new from old by maintaining, repairing and updating. For example, our electronics workshop is staffed by electrical professionals.
We raise environmental awareness. We explain the saved natural resources of every second-hand shopping and share tips, wisdom and practical tricks for a green lifestyle. Our own team of environmental education experts, the Ympäristökoulu Polku, provides expert and imaginative environmental education and training.
Thank you for donating – with your help, we can spread the good in many ways!