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You can come to us as you are: to learn new things, update your skills or gain work experience for the future. You can apply for a work trial, wage-subsidised work or our other open positions.

Check out our vacancies from the link:

We are a fair employer

As a social enterprise, our target audience are jobseekers who have been looking for work for a longer period of time, and we seek them to join us for a work trial. Afterwards some of the work trial employees may have the opportunity to continue into a wage-subsidised employment. Please check with TE-toimisto or other local employment services of your hometown whether you are eligible for a work trial.

We value all kinds of expertise and with us you can give your contribution to circular economy development. Our doors are open to everyone, regardless of background, orientation or experience. Your desire to keep your working life going along with enthusiasm to become part of our community is a good starting point.

We encourage those who take part in our work trials to take advantage of our job coach services and, after the work trial, to apply for further study or work in the open labour market. During your work trial, you are able to complete various parts of degrees integrated into your every day work.

You can also apply to become a volunteer

Are you looking for opportunities to take climate-positive action and promote social well-being? Are you interested in a sustainable lifestyle?

Sign up as a volunteer using the form here, or ask for more information: vapaaehtoistoiminta@kierratyskeskus.fi