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Trainings and lectures

The training sessions and lectures, led by the Kierrätyskeskus’s experts, are suitable for all businesses and communities interested in the circular economy and environmental issues.

Inspirational training or a thought-provoking expert presentation are good ways to remind people of the importance of environmental work, for example in the workplace.

Description of the service

We offer both individual thematic lectures and training packages tailored to your needs. Training can be part of staff or management training, for example, or a training day for eco-support staff. Lectures and training sessions can be held on-site or remotely.

Our most popular trainings and lectures

What kind of training or lecture would you have a need for?

Getting kicks from the circular economy

Why does the circular economy matter? What is the difference between recycling and the circular economy?
The lecture will go through practical examples of circular economy business solutions and will open up the environmental benefits of reuse.
Duration: 1 hour.

Waste reduction and sorting in the office

Why is it important to sort and reduce waste? What goes where? What happens to the sorted waste?
Learn about waste management and sorting in a meeting room/remotely or informally at the waste collection point and around the sorting bins.
Duration: 1 hour.

Basics of carbon footprint calculation

How and why is an organisation’s carbon footprint calculated? What does the result tell us and how can it be used for environmental work and communication?
Duration: 1 hour.

“A snappy and knowledgeable presentation, which did a good job of dealing with a challenging topic in a human-sized and understandable way.”

Anna-Kaisa Hiedanniemi, Specialist, The Mannerheim League for Child Welfare

The training was conversational, instructive from a positive angle and interactive. We will definitely do the training again!”

Fatma Gharbi-Tapio, hallintopäällikkö, Stén & Co Oy Ab

Contact us and ask for a quote!

We help companies and communities at all stages of their environmental responsibility work. You’ll have access to a wealth of expertise in developing an organisation’s environmental performance, based on more than 30 years of experience. Our strength is our ability to communicate on environmental issues in an understandable way.

You can reach us by email at yrityspalvelut@kierratyskeskus.fi by filling in the contact form or by phone on 0400 348 161.

Our customers