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Donate items to Kierrätys­keskus

When you donate to Kierrätyskeskus, you can be sure that the best environmental path for your goods is always found. Your donation will save natural resources and enable us to continue our local environmental and employment work.

Kierrätyskeskuksen lahjoitusopas
Kierrätyskeskuksen lahjoitusopas

Donate to Kierrätyskeskus in one way or another

Your donation is a true eco act! When you bring us goods, you can be confident that we will always find the best environmental solution for them. From our sorting centre, your goods continue their journey as they are or in our workshop, tuned, checked and repaired if necessary. Through our stores and online shop, your goods are sent on to their next round, saving natural resources.

There are many ways to donate – for example, in-store donation, a convenient pick up service, centrally located donation boxes, collection vehicles – just choose the one that suits you best!

Why donate items?

The environment loves your donation, and we do too. Your goods will find their way to new homes from the shelves of our shops and online store, or via Materiaalitukku, for example, to bring joy for kids in daycare and schools.

What goods can you donate?

We accept intact, clean and usable furniture, clothing, accessories, household and interior items, as well as handicraft materials.Bicycles and home electronics can be donated in any condition.

Donation locations

You can find our donation locations everywhere: in our stores, shopping centres, Prisma car parks, S-Markets and HSY’s Sortti stations. You can also donate via MyFetch service.

Collection service for donated goods

If you want to make it super easy, use our cheap and fast pick up service. Book a pick up online. Pick up from 19,90 €.

Collection tour

Kierrätyskeskus’ collection tour will stop by your neighbourhood. You can bring clean and intact household items, textiles and clothes, as well as bicycles and small electronics in any condition, free of charge.

Kädet pitelemässä puista laatikkoa missä on sekalaista pientavaraa.
Kädet pitelemässä puista laatikkoa missä on sekalaista pientavaraa.
Henkilö istumassa lattialla, jalkojen edessä lattialla kasattuna sekalaista pientavaraa lahjoitukseen.
Henkilö istumassa lattialla, jalkojen edessä lattialla kasattuna sekalaista pientavaraa lahjoitukseen.