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Your item donations and each purchase made at our shops or online makes our environmental and employment work possible!

Kierrätyskeskuksen kassalla asiakas maksamassa ostosta.
Kierrätyskeskuksen kassalla asiakas maksamassa ostosta.

Kierrätyskeskus online shop

A secondhand online store with a wide selection of products, where you can shop safely and easily. We deliver orders all over Finland, and in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area you can pick up your purchase free of charge from any Kierrätyskeskus shop.

Shop services

Loyalty program

Are you part of Kierrätyskeskus’ loyalty programme yet? Our loyalty members are entitled to a discount at our shops.

Book a shop tour

You can book a tour around Finland’s largest secondhand store – Nihtisilta store in Espoo – and visit its massive sorting centre and inspiring workshops.

Trailer rentals

Rent a trailer with a top cover to drive your eco-friendly shopping home!


Manufacturing new items and devices always takes a toll on nature. Our repair and refurbishment workshops tackle waste and inspire people to repair instead of shopping new.

The Most Wanted on vaatekokoelma secondhand-aarteita, joiden elinkaarta on jatkettu tarpeen tullen pienet viat korjaamalla.

The Most Wanted

The Most Wanted -collection consists of clothes, accessories and furnitures that have had minor restorations done to them in order to prolong their lives to new users and homes.

Lähikuvassa sivellin, nappeja, lankakeriä, sakset ja neuloja aseteltuna vaalealle pöydälle.

Handicraft service Näprä

At all our shops you can dive into our secondhand handicraft department filled with affordable items for arts and crafts.

Electronics and electrical equipments

All our electronic devices are checked and repaired at our workshop.


All our bicycles are checked and repaired at our workshop.