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Contact us

You can contact us with: Carbon footprint calculation – Circular economy calculation – EcoCompass audits – Training and lectures – Environmental work development – Goods services

Maapallo ja retro lankapuhelin harmaalla taustalla.
Maapallo ja retro lankapuhelin harmaalla taustalla.

Business services

Request a quote or ask more about our services, we will put together a package that suits you!

You can reach us by email at yrityspalvelut@kierratyskeskus.fi, by filling in the contact form or by phone.

Tuomas Korkiakangas

Service Manager

• Professional services for businesses
• Business services for goods

Tel. 0400 348 161

Sami Leppänen

Client representative

• Business services for goods

Tel. 0400 349 422

Contact us and ask for more information:

Contact form – Business Services

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